• Business Lines

    The Espiral MS Group is the manufacturer of two business lines:
    Proactivanet y Prosafety



Proactivanet is a solution for managing IT assets and services (ITAM & ITSM), which, with its Discovery & Asset Management, Service Desk and CMDB modules, helps IT managers reach a new level of maturity in an agile and orderly manner, establishing new IT management processes to increase productivity, automate processes, improve control, reduce risks and reduce operating costs by adding value to the business.

More information at proactivanet.com



Prosafety Software is a proactive tool for occupational safety management.

It is a unique solution with which you can easily incorporate the latest techniques in safety management with the objective of "zero accidents". All of its modules are designed to give visibility to management's commitment to security as a corporate value, encourage the participation of the entire chain of command and achieve the commitment of all employees in the security programs and practices implemented in the organization.

More information at prosafetysoftware.com

Espiral MS. Equipo I+D+i. · Espacio Tecnológico Molinón · Tel. (+34) 985 099 215