• Certified Quality

    Innovation and internationalization plan.

Certified Quality

The Government of the Principality of Asturias through IDEPA and the European Union through FEDER, have subsidized the international trips to Espiral MS within the project "Internationalization Plan 2017", with file number IDE/2017/000215, with the aim of consolidating Proactivanet as the reference ITSM tool in the Latin market.

The Government of the Principality of Asturias through IDEPA and the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (STIP) 2013-2017; and the European Union through the ERDF, have subsidised the project "IT Service Management 4.0" of Espiral MS with file number IDE/2016/00010104 with the aim of developing new functionalities in the ITSM field.

The Government of the Principality of Asturias through IDEPA and the European Union through the ERDF have subsidised the project "Consultancy for the Certification UNE 166001 (R+D+i Management) of the R+D+i project: Design and Development of an ITSM Mobile Services management platform", with the aim of preparing the necessary documentation for the project certification.

The Government of the Principality of Asturias through IDEPA and the European Union through the ERDF have subsidised the project "Consultancy for the Certification UNE 166001 (R+D+i Management) of the R+D+i project: Design and Development of an ITSM Mobile Services management platform", with the aim of preparing the necessary documentation for the project certification.

IDEPA and FEDER have subsidized international travel and consultancy to Espiral MS within the project "Internationalization Plan 2016", with file number IDE/2016/000335.

The Government of the Principality of Asturias, through IDEPA, and the European Union, through the ERDF, have subsidised the project "ITSM Mobile Services" of Espiral MS with file number IDE/2015/000224 with the aim of developing new functionalities in the ITSM field.

IDEPA and FEDER have subsidized the project "ITSM Service Operations" of Espiral MS with file number IDE/2014/000025 with the aim of developing new functionalities in the ITSM field.

IDEPA and FEDER have subsidized international travel and consultancy to Espiral MS within the project "Internationalization Plan 2015", with file number IDE/2015/000143.

IDEPA and FEDER have subsidized the international trips to Espiral MS within the project "Internationalization Plan 2014", with file number IDE/2014/000375.


Espiral MS is certified by AENOR according to ISO 9001 for the "Design and development of web applications. Technical assistance to product users".

Espiral MS has carried out a secure information management project, and is currently certified to ISO 27001.

In 2010 it achieved ISO/IEC 20000 certification for "Effective IT Service Management".

Espiral MS uses best practices in IT service management, and has ITIL® certified staff.

Our technical developments meet CMMI Level 2, according to the official evaluation by the European Software Institute.

Espiral MS. Equipo I+D+i. · Espacio Tecnológico Molinón · Tel. (+34) 985 099 215